
Lay Ministries

Every Christian is called to service as a minister of the Gospel. There are many wonderful ways you and your family can serve God at Holy Cross on Sunday mornings.

Please fill out the following form, and then check the area you’d like to explore. Details about how to serve will be emailed to you.

Sign Up to Serve

Ways to Serve

  • Altar Guild: Serve once every four to six weeks and set up the elements that we use for communion each week, as well as set out the appropriate hangings and hymn numbers in the worship space.
  • Greeter & Usher: Welcome worshippers to Holy Cross with a friendly face, help with directions, and collect the offering. Perfect for individuals, couples and families.
  • Layreader & Chalice Bearer: Lead in worship through the reading of Scripture and the Prayers and serve the chalice during communion. High Schoolers & adults serve once every 4-6 weeks.
  • Pre-K Ministry: Providing loving childcare at Holy Cross. 
  • Choir & Praise Team: Serves weekly in leading music  services. 
  • Media Team: Produce sound and screens for all services.
  • Photography or Video: Help document events at Holy Cross and create media for promotional use.
  • Cooking Team: Help prepare food for our campuses or local ministry partners.
Sign Up to Serve