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Dear Friends,

I would like to enlist first your prayers, and second your presence. 

I ask your fervent prayers for our rector search process and the Search Committee. The process has entered a critical phase wherein your Search Committee is conducting personal interviews with the remaining rector applicants. The interviews have gone well thus far, revealing much about the applicants and also providing us with useful information about how candidates perceive our parish and what attracts them to us. While the next step - to seek to narrow the field to two or three we sense God may be calling here - will not be taken until next week, it is safe to say now that we are all very encouraged by the depth of Christian faith we see in all the applicants, as well as their extensive experience, their passion for serving Christ in His church, and - conversely - the godly humility exhibited by the candidates in these interviews. Please cover these next weeks of this process in prayer - for the Lord to speak to us clearly, revealing His perfect will; for the Committee to be perceptive and discerning, that they may reach unanimous decisions about each applicant; against the enemy, that Satan’s input would have no impact on our process.

I also want to encourage your presence on Wednesday evenings, starting September 6th, with Kendall and me for a walk through C.S. Lewis’s classic work, The Great Divorce. This short jewel of Christian writing is worth your attention. I believe you will find it enjoyable as well as edifying, and come away with a new perspective on heaven and hell, and what distinguishes the residents of one from the residents of the other. Please register online at HOLYCROSS.NET/EVENTS or click the image below to take you directly there.

With much love and many prayers,

Click any image below for more information regarding an event.

Calendar at a Glance

August 20 - Next Gen Parent Meeting / Third Sunday Breakfast
August 27 - Next Gen Youth Group Returns
September 3 - Baptisms
September 6 - Fall Teaching Series Begins
September 14 - Blood Drive at Sullivan's Island
September 17 - Spiritual Parenting Begins
   HIS School Kick-Off Service
September 20 - Theology on Tap
September 24 - Newcomer's Dinner
October 1-2 - Co:Mission Weekend (Dinner and Golf Tournament)
October 5 - Men's Retreat


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