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Dear Holy Cross,

It is with great joy and thanksgiving that we report on the status of the search for our new Rector. Praise the Lord, we are deep into Step 5 of our 7-Step process! 

Following our Parish Meeting on June 11th, we opened the application process to receive interested candidates for the 30-day period ending July 14th. The committee diligently reviewed each application, prayerfully discerned next steps, and communicated timely with all applicants. 

We are happy to report, that we have a significant number of highly qualified applicants. Those we are inviting to continue in the process will complete a questionnaire from a variety of topics, from which we will discern who to invite into the interview phase beginning in August. With each step, we are prayerful, united, and determined to find the one that God has already chosen as our next Rector.

We thank you for your faithful support and continue to ask for your daily prayers!

The Rector Search Committee


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