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Dear Holy Cross,

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart," says Jeremiah 29:13. This is a promise in scripture to those whose hearts earnestly desire to find the Lord. Applying this verse to our current position as a Church, we believe that when we seek the Lord with all our hearts, together as a body, He will lead us to the one He has chosen to be our next Rector. 

We are in the final stages of the search process. The Lord has blessed us with amazing candidates that are uniquely qualified, experienced, and blessed with all kinds of spiritual gifts and abilities. He has now revealed to us three candidates we are seriously considering for the position. At this stage, it's important that the Search Committee spend time with each of them and get to know them and their families through conversation and fellowship. We must dive deeper into their strengths and weaknesses to understand who best matches our needs. Please remain patient with us as we take our time to do this well.

While we remain in God's waiting room, we must remain on our knees in prayer seeking the Lord, asking Him to reveal His will, His chosen one for us. Will you please pray daily the following:

Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church of the Holy Cross, and so guide us during our time of search that we shall grow in our commitment to one another and to the cause of your Christ and may come to choose a faithful Rector to model, teach and lead us to love you and others. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN.

In Christ, 
The Search Committee

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