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Dear Holy Cross Family,

On behalf of the Vestry, it gives me great pleasure to announce that we have called a new Rector! 

We discerned, and Bishop Edgar confirmed, that God has called the Reverend David Cumbie to be our new Rector. Reverend Cumbie accepted the Call. We anticipate he and his family will be here around the week of December 10th.  

Reverend Cumbie has been ordained for around 10 years and has been Rector of the Church of the Apostles in Houston, TX for the past 6 years.  

If you look at the description of the type of Rector we were praying for in the Parish Profile, David is clearly who God wanted for us. David is a servant leader who will shepherd and lead Holy Cross with love and in step with the Holy Spirit. He and his family want to develop deep roots in the community and be here for the long haul. He has a background not only in small group ministry but also has developed children and adult education programs. He feels that discipleship is not just through small groups but also through education classes.

Reverend Cumbie asked us to share the attached letter.

The Search Committee and the Vestry would like to express our gratitude for all of the prayers and support you have given us during this search process. Please continue to pray for the Cumbies and the Church during this time of transition.   

Thank you,

Your Brother in Christ,

Darren Hartford
Senior Warden, Church of the Holy Cross

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